COVID-19 Information and Resources

The Arc of Indiana has developed this resource page to help provide the most recent factual information regarding COVID-19. 

September 13, 2023 – New COVID booster approved
The Food and Drug Administration has approved a new COVID booster for anyone six months and up. The new booster is a much closer match to currently circulating variants than prior vaccines. Federal health officials say if it’s been at least two months since your last booster, you can go ahead and get the new one. If you fall into a high risk category, it is recommended to get the new vaccine now. People who’ve had a recent infection may wait three months to get a booster. Private insurance should cover the cost, but if you go outside your provider network there may be a cost. For those not insured, the federal Bridge Access Program will provide free vaccines through the end of 2024.

Find and schedule your COVID-19 vaccine or booster at, search, text your zip code to 438829, or call 800-232-0233.

Boosters have been shown to increase protection from hospitalization and death due to COVID-19.

Easy to Read COVID-19 Materials

People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) have a higher incidence of COVID-19 than people without IDD. They are also more likely to be admitted to the hospital from COVID-19 complications, have higher rates of stays in intensive care units, and are more likely to die from COVID-19. Yet people with IDD often do not have the information they need to protect themselves.

To fill this gap, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has developed COVID-19 materials in different Easy to Read formats—including Easy to Read webpages, posters, social stories, animated videos, and interactive activities—for adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their care providers. These materials are available in both English and Spanish and cover behaviors that are important to help prevent and treat COVID-19, including: getting COVID-19 shots, wearing a mask, taking an at-home COVID-19 test, getting COVID-19 medicine, and staying home when sick.


COVID-19 Websites helps people access vaccines, tests, treatments, and high-quality masks. is available in English, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese and is accessible for those using assistive technologies. For individuals with disabilities who may need additional support, the Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL) is also available to help at 888-677-1199 or via email at

SAI Video – Let’s Talk About the COVID-19 Vaccine
Self-Advocates of Indiana (SAI) has produced an informational video, Let’s Talk About the COVID-19 Vaccine
The video shares an important message on what the vaccine is, why it is important, how to talk with your physician about if the vaccine is right for you, and how to get information from trusted sources about the vaccine. We encourage you to watch and share the video, particularly with people with IDD, as self-advocates share with other self-advocates.

COVID-19 Plain Language Resource
This 8-page booklet about the coronavirus, written in plain language., was created by and for people with developmental disabilities. Plain Language Booklet on COVID-19 


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