In Indiana, the formal process of making the transition from school to life as an adult begins with “transition planning”the year the student turns 14. However, teachers, students and families can begin planning even earlier to learn about options and possibilities and to coordinate supports and services. Preparing for adult life means making decisions about getting more education or training, finding employment, living independently or with supports, and being connected and active in your community. It may mean applying for government benefits, including Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid, and Medicaid waiver services.

Please know family advocates with The Arc Advocacy Network are here to help. Call us at 317-977-2375 and ask to speak with a family advocate.

Stepping into a New World – Transition to Adulthood Fact Sheet

40 Developmental Assets for Adolescents age 12-18

Charting the LifeCourse – Focus on Transition 

Postsecondary Options 

Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center – Resources for Families 

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