Effective Team Meetings-Webinar

The Arc of Indiana will discuss how case managers can support individuals in taking charge of their own team meetings and the importance of individuals leading their own team meetings. Registration Link https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_eQguPKPYQneRJP2KAxkw9A

Conflict Resolution-Webinar

Conflicts sometimes emerge between individuals and families/guardians or between individuals, families/guardians, and other service providers. Keeping the individual's desires front and center can be challenging. In this session, The Arc of Indiana will discuss how to address and resolve these conflicts. We will discuss effective communication strategies. We will also discuss how to identify resource […]

Your Child Will Never…Restoring Hope and Possibilities for People with Disabilities-Webinar

Parents are constantly told by the medical community, educators, and other professionals, "Your child will never..." Through their expertise and lived experience, case managers and service providers have the unique opportunity to help individuals and families see the wide array of possibilities available to help individuals lead their vision of a good life. Registration Link […]

Using the LifeCourse Framework to Plan for Life’s Transitions

Batesville Christian Church 1294 Columbus Avenue, Batesville, Indiana

Join The Arc of Indiana and One Community One Family to discuss how to make plans for the future and how to adjust those plans as life experiences and desire change.

Medicaid Waivers and the LifeCourse Framework-Webinar

INSource has invited The Arc Advocacy Network to explain Medicaid Waivers and the LifeCourse  Framework. Register here; /https://insource.org/get-help/training/webinars/medicaid-waivers-and-the-lifecourse-framework/

Medicaid Waivers and Lifecourse Framework-Webinar

The Arc Advocacy Network will explain Medicaid Waivers and answer questions about waivers. Hosted by InSource. Register here: https://insource.org/get-help/training/webinars/medicaid-waivers-and-the-lifecourse-framework/

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