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INSILC Town Forum – Lafayette

Life is full of transitions. Starting school, switching buildings, preparing for adulthood, entering the workforce, living independently, having relationships, and eventually retiring…life is always changing. It can be overwhelming to think about it all! While we can’t plan for everything, making a plan, including Charting the LifeCourse, will better prepare you to achieve your vision…

Hamilton County Disability Resource Fair

The Arc Advocacy Network will have information about Medicaid Waivers, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, guardianship and alternatives, Special Needs Trusts, the Erskine Green Training Institute, and a variety of other topics available for families and self-advocates.

Johnson County Disability Resource Fair

The Arc Advocacy Network will have information about Medicaid Waivers, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, guardianship and alternatives, Special Needs Trusts, the Erskine Green Training Institute, and a variety of other topics available for families and self-advocates.

Coalition Resource Fair

The Arc Advocacy Network will have information about Medicaid Waivers, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, guardianship and alternatives, Special Needs Trusts, the Erskine Green Training Institute, and a variety of other topics available for families and self-advocates.

Disability Resource Fair

The Arc Advocacy Network will have information about Medicaid Waivers, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, guardianship and alternatives, Special Needs Trusts, the Erskine Green Training Institute, and a variety of other topics available for families and self-advocates.

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