Latest News

BDS Public Notice on Family Supports and CIH Waiver Renewals

The Bureau of Disabilities Services has issued a public notice on the intent to submit renewals to the Family Support, the Community Integration and Habilitation Waivers, and 1915(b)(4) Waiver Fee for Service Selective Contracting Program to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for consideration. The 30-day public comment period will run through Feb. 21,…

H&W, PathWays, and TBI Proposed Waiver Amendments Open for Public Comment

The Bureau of Disabilities Services, Division of Aging, and Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning have issued public notice on the intent to submit proposed amendments to the Health and Wellness, PathWays, and Traumatic Brain Injury Waivers to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The 30-day public comment period runs from Dec. 25, 2024,…

Upcoming Events

Ask The Arc Webinars

Our Ask The Arc webinar series will provide information and discussion on timely topics relevant to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and their support systems.

Janus Developmental Services Resource Fair

The Arc Advocacy Network will have information about Medicaid Waivers, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, guardianship and alternatives, Special Needs Trusts, the Erskine Green Training Institute, and a variety of other topics available for families and self-advocates.

The Arc of Indiana Blog

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